Data Model

Team Assignment 3
For the third team assignment we decided to make a Chatham men’s Ice Hockey app. The app is primarily designed to only be used within the Men’s Ice Hockey team. The reason we decided to create an app was to fast track the process of taking stats during a game. We took the approach of trying to eliminate any extra paper and steps from the process. We brainstormed a couple of different types of ways to change this process, but we ultimately came to the conclusion that a mobile app would best fit our needs. The reason we decided to use a mobile app was because every “scratch” that is not playing brings their phone to their phone to the rink, therefor have the ability to use their phones to be able to upload stats in real time. The platform we decided to use to develop our app was App Sheet. App Sheet was a simple way to get all the different information into the app that we need such as player number, player name, the different stat categories for players and goalies, and administrative information such as the game schedule. This app allows users to edit and input stats for players and goalies and will upload those statistics directly into the excel sheet it is linked to. This means that if a user was to upload player number 4 scored, it would fill in the appropriate information to the excel spreadsheet. The app is set that all users are able to input data that way permissions don’t need to be changed on a game to game basis. This setting does come with a few draw backs such as players can skew their own statistics. However, we are still in the prototype stage of our app and hope to come up with a solution for this problem. Our first thought right now is too open permissions for the entire team during game time and close the permissions once the game is over. This app makes the stat taking process significantly more efficient because the current protocol is to divide and conquer with three different stat sheets on paper and try to divide the work evenly throughout the “scratches” and then walk the sheets back to the locker room after every period. A large issue is that there are not enough stat sheets for every “scratch” so not everyone can efficiently take stats. With our app, every scratch has a chance  to take stats, and from the coach’s point of view they get the stats right away in one excel sheet instead of three separate sheets of paper.
To use our app, it is very simple. When you first open the app, it will display a player directory. This directory shows the player number and names for everyone on the team. If you select a player, it will enter a detailed view with the player’s school email address. The other tab on the bottom is the game schedule. When that tab is selected it will show next season’s tentative game schedule. Some dates are empty because the teams we are playing are currently unknown but once they are, they can be easily updated within the app. To use the stat entering functionality of our app, you need to select the three-bar menu and select either player or goalie stats. If you want to enter player stats, please select the player option, and if you want goalie stats please select the goalie option. Once you are in player or goalies, it will show a list of players or goalies in numerical order. The player section does not show goalies and the goalie section does not show players. To enter the stats, select the player you wish enter stats for, this will prompt you to detailed view. As of right now, the players have no stats because we are not in season, but if you select the edit icon in the bottom right hand corner you will be able to enter the appropriate stats for that player or goalie. Once the information is entered it will sync and update the appropriate excel sheet. This allows for coaches to see the stats in real time.
Here is a link to browser prototype of our app:

Team Assignment 4

            For our last team assignment, we have addressed some issues with the previous versions our of App. We have added some formulas to the statistics worksheets to automatically fill in some of certain statistics, therefore making the app more robust.  An example of this was making the total point statistic a sum of goals and assists. So now when users are filling stats they only need to keep track of the goals and assists because once those are entered and the sync button is pressed the points field will automatically update. This improvement also helps to eliminate some human error. Before the app depended on users adding up the points manually which we originally thought would be an okay practice because it was simple math, but we decided to make this change to eliminate as much human error as possible. We also updated the coach directory to ensure that they had email address so that players on the team can quickly contact a coach.
